
Hope for cancers patients

Mother with childAs you know, live births after transplantation of ovarian tissue had already taken place, all the donors being adults. What is new is that such treatment is also possible using tissue from a premenstrual girl.

“This is a major breakthrough in this area, since the patients who in the future will be most likely to use this procedure will be children”, declares Dr. Demeestere.

“If diseases are diagnosed with these patients, thereby requiring therapy which will cause the destruction of the ovarian function, cryopreservation of ovarian tissue would be the only way to preserve their fertility”.

Why is the early fertility-preserving extremely important? Although true that the survival rates for all cancers are much higher today than in earlier times, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy can nonetheless have a devastating effect on fertility. Once the oncological treatment has ended, the fulfilment of the wish for a child is for many patients obviously a key criterion in their quality of life.

One survey from the last year informs us that 59% of the breast cancer-patient respondents stated that they wanted to have children in the future. Almost one in ten women even declared that they did not want to undergo chemotherapy if after their fertility will suffer.
