Close the gap in your study
QuoMedic is a company that can support you in the conduct of clinical trials. Today we would like to introduce some special services to you.
In doing so, we fulfil requirements that are often not covered by the commissioned CRO because they are very special and unusual and often do not comply with the usual procedures. Our experience shows that often only a small idea that is well implemented can make a study a success.
Randomization in your clinical study
For example, we are able to support early studies (phase I-III) in the randomisation of patients with a partially automated procedure. The personal approach to the sites is of particular importance to us. The number of patients in these studies is often very small.
Outsourcing the randomisation to an external service provider contributes to more transparency and an increase in quality for your company and the study.
Patient Honouring / Reimbursement
We also offer the possibility of individual patient expense reimbursement for small studies. Here you can transfer the entire processing to us. This saves you the tiresome examination of receipts, checking of amounts and the processing of bank transactions.
For this service we provide very individual and inexpensive solutions. In addition, with our American partner, we can also accompany your global study in reimbursement.
Suchen Sie eine spezielle Lösung?
Ob ein Kinderbuch als Patientenaufklärung oder Hilfe-Videos in unbekannten Sprachen, bei uns erhalten Sie Hilfe, wenn es ungewöhnlicher Maßnahmen und Ideen bedarf, um Ihre Studie oder ihr Projekt voranzubringen.
Wir sind ein spezialisiertes Team, das sich abseits der konventionellen Lösungswege bewegt, um Sie z.B. bei der Patientenrekrutierung für Ihre Studie unterstützt.
QuoMedic Newsletter
The Story That Everyone Will Be Talking About at DIA
And We’re Eager to Share the Next Chapter with You!
If you’re attending DIA 2017 in Chicago, we invite you to stop by Booth 2012 for an in-depth look at how BBK’s proven high-tech and high-touch solutions are working to transform patient recruitment and engagement for global clinical trials.
Innovation Theatre: Building a Patient Centric Mindset Through Theatrical Contemplation
Tuesday, June 20th 3:35pm
Presented in an engaging format, Mr. Fassler, author of the recently released Up in the Cheap Seats and an actor, screenwriter, and director will be interviewed by Maria Scaros-Mercado, the executive director of Greens at Greenwich, an assisted living facility for those suffering from dementia.
RSG® CARD - Streamlining a key program for patient retention
- Through the RSG® Card, sponsors are able to automatically provide patient reimbursements or stipends via a reloadable debit card once the IVR data shows a completed study visit
- Cardholders are not responsible for any fees associated with the use of the card, and we provide a dedicated team of customer service representatives to answer participant questions
- Should the IVR system not be capturing data for each visit, or the sponsor not be providing patients with a set amount, we can customize the system to issue payments based on study coordinator input trigger
- Should a patient withdraw from the study, the IVR-linked system automatically prevents new funds from being added to a card
For more information access our Services (Patient Reimbursement) or write us an email at
RSG® ARRIVE - Full service travel support for patients and caregivers
RSG® Arrive goes beyond traditional travel coordination. Every detail considered. Each request professionally managed. Our global travel program combines patients’ needs with the performance clinical research professionals demand. All designed to meet the challenges of today’s clinical studies. From translated itineraries to 24/7 multi- lingual travel support, this full-service program helps prepare patients for every study visit. What’s more, all travel services can be easily accessed through our personal travel mobile app and website.
- Ground & air transportation
- Hotel accommodations
- Travel reimbursements
- Concierge management support
BIO Notifier® Plus - Raising awareness with potential referring physician audiences
- The only physician registry in compliance with the most restrictive electronic solicitation laws in the world
- Over 300,000 physicians across all specialties and global locations who have explicitly requested to receive information regarding opportunities to refer patients for study participation
- Supplemented by country-specific outreach activities such as physician networking, telephone contact, in-person meetings, physician events, etc.
- Because it is designed specifically to avoid the need for EC review and approval, the BIO Notifier Plus program it can be implemented immediately upon contract execution
Customized Mobile App Development Solution
Today's mHealth technology has the ability to integrate study implementation into daily activities, which can reduce enrollment costs and timelines, and alleviate the biggest pressure points from a sponsor, site, and patient’s perspective. QuoMedic GmbH offers a powerful app building platform that allows you to design and develop a completely custom mobile experience.
♦ Dedicated App Building Team
Helps you configure and customize your mobile app by tapping into our extensive library of functionalities and features.
♦ Native iOS and Android™ Frameworks
Enjoy more reliable performance plus full integration with native mobile device features like GPS, phone, and calendars, as well as Apple® ResearchKit.
My Clinical Study Buddy® Protocol Pal™ ♦ Complete Lifecycle Support
Quickly design, build, deploy, and manage your mobile app through one central location – saving you time and money.
One platform. Unlimited possibilities.
The process is simple. The expert UX/UI consultants walk you through the entire configuration process – from idea to development to launch – ensuring your app delivers a rich mobile experience and sustainable engagement. Customize and configure it any way you like based on the goals of the study and the needs of the study community.
"You can’t hide from the patient."

In this detailed 4-page paper, Iris Loew-Friedrich, CMO at UCB shared:
- A direct example of how her clinical team was transformed to ‘walk in the patient’s shoes’
- How UCB view the tangible benefits of patient-centric clinical trials
- The two key elements that are unique to truly embedding patient-centricity across drug development
- The evolution of clinical trials today and regaining public trust
World Hepatitis Day 2016
The theme for this year’s global campaign is ELIMINATION.
2016 is a pivotal year for viral hepatitis. At the World Health Assembly in May, WHO Member States are set to adopt the first ever Elimination Strategy for Viral Hepatitis, with ambitious targets and a goal to eliminate hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. This will be the first time national governments sign up and commit to the goal of eliminating viral hepatitis.
More information about how you can join NOHep Project you can find here or simply watching the video.
What is deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?
Blood clots are the body's first aid against bleeding. They protect the flow of blood by plugging any leaks that form.
Without blood clotting, smaller vessels that hit a leak inside the body would keep bleeding. If clotting cannot help to seal cuts, the body loses blood from where it needs it - the tissues and organs.
This article explains the main clot disease involving the veins: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Gel-like clumps of congealed blood can form in one of the veins deep in the leg. This is a deep vein thrombosis, or DVT.
DVTs usually occur in the far limbs - often the lower legs. They are also possible in the arms. DVTs in the leg can be deep in the calf of the lower leg, or in the thigh of the upper leg. Clots can also happen further up, in the pelvis.
Most of the DVTs that happen in the hospital to people at high risk are in smaller veins of the lower leg. These are usually without symptoms and may not be detected.
New drug clears psoriasis
About 80 percent of patients with moderate to severe psoriasis saw their disease completely or almost completely cleared with a new drug called ixekizumab, according to three large, long-term clinical trials led by Northwestern Medicine.
"This group of studies not only shows very high and consistent levels of safety and efficacy, but also that the great majority of the responses persist at least 60 weeks," said Dr. Kenneth Gordon, a professor of dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and first author of the paper.
Affecting about 3 percent of the world's population, psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease that causes itchy, dry and red skin. It is also associated with an increased risk for depression, heart disease and diabetes, among other conditions.
Ixekizumab works by neutralizing a pathway in the immune system known to promote psoriasis.
To test the drug's efficacy over time - and to help clinicians determine whether its benefits outweigh any risks - the three studies enrolled a total of 3,736 adult patients at more than 100 study sites in 21 countries. All participants had moderate to severe psoriasis, which is defined as covering 10 percent or more of the body. Patients were randomly assigned to receive injections of ixekizumab at various doses or a placebo over a period of more than a year.
BioRiver bringt seine Mitglieder mit den Großen ins Gespräch
Düsseldorf, 24. Juni 2016: Fast 60 Vereinsmitglieder waren der exklusiven Einladung zum ersten BioRiver Businessfrühstück in den Wirtschaftsclub Düsseldorf am vergangenen Donnerstag gefolgt. Nach einem spannenden Überblicksvortrag mit dem Titel „Die Wirklichkeit der globalen Pharmaentwicklung“ durch Dr. Jörg Möller, nutzten zehn der BioRiver-Mitglieder die außergewöhnliche Gelegenheit, für jeweils zehn Minuten direkt mit dem Leiter der globalen Entwicklung der Bayer Pharma AG zu sprechen. „Ein super Auftakt für eine neue Veranstaltungsreihe“, so das Vorstandsmitglied Klaus Zimmermann, Geschäftsführer der IHK Düsseldorf, zu Beginn des Treffens.
How much do you know about blood donation?
Blood transfusion saves lives and improves health, but many patients requiring transfusion do not have timely access to safe blood. Providing safe and adequate blood should be an integral part of every country’s national health care policy and infrastructure.
About 108 million blood donations are collected worldwide. More than half of these are collected in high-income countries, home to 18% of the world’s population.
There are 3 types of blood donors:
BIOMEDICA 2016 – Make the health care field of tomorrow today
We look back to the 10th anniversary of the Biomedica Life Sciences Summit, with pitches, outstanding, international speakers, and fully booked matchmaking sessions. With around 70 large and small exhibitors as well as ‘spin offs’ and more than 700 international industry visitors, Biomedica represents the most significant event in the area of the life sciences in the Euregio.
The health and well-being of the patient, and future demands and possibilities were the main focus which were intensively and interactively discussed in the iSessions and breakout sessions.
Our well-frequented booth was interesting for everyone who keep the patient at the center of his work. We offer products and services to support patients who are participating in clinical trials and to shorten the time of recruitment process. With our solution we support the patients, the study site stuff and the sponsor.
Visit us at the Biomedica Life Sciences Summit 2016 in Aachen
On 30th and 31st May the 10th Biomedica Life Sciences Summit (short: Biomedica) will take place at the Eurogress in Aachen. The first Biomedica in 2007 arose as a joint venture of 3 existing conferences in Liège, Aachen and Maastricht, consituting a trinational conference with contributions of Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Exhibitors and visitors are invited to the Biomedica taking place in the Top Technology Region clustering of Hasselt, Leuven, Maastricht, Eindhoven, Aachen and Liège, where the location is alternating each year between Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.
Initiated by LifetecZONe, MedLife (prior Lifetech Aachen-Jülich), Lifetec Limburg and BioLiège, the Biomedica 2016 is going to present innovations of companies and organizations within the leading theme "Biomedica 2016 - Make the health care field of tomorrow today". The organizers are expecting more than 1.000 visitors from a broad spectrum: entrepreneurs, scientists, students, health care center representatives, investors, politicians and government officials.
The visitors can attend to various lectures and poster sessions out of the four main topics bioprocessing, diagnostics & medicine, healthcare & services as well as medical devices. Besides there are pitches planned on technologies & services, devices, instruments and diagnostics & material applications, where researcher and companies are going to present projects and products to inform about innovations and ideas to interested parties and possible investors. Biomedica is thought to be a meeting point for dynamic and expectant life sciences and the health community, where collaborations between business and sciences are probably being developed. Therefore there will be matchmaking events to give participants the chance to get to know each other and also interdisciplinary round table discussions between patients, medical professionals, researchers, companies and many others to discuss about shared problems and to gain new aspects.
Together with BioRiver – Life Science im Rheinland e.V. the QuoMedic GmbH is going to represent their offers as agency for services to medical science and technology, which perfectly fits to one of the main topics of Biomedica 2016: healthcare and services.
Author: Dr. Michaela Stolz
Review on the German Biotech Days in Leipzig/Germany on 26 & 27 April 2016
As reported here QuoMedic has represented their offers as agency for services to medical science and technology on the German Biotech Days in Leipzig last week. Today we want to share some of the main topics from the conference with you.
There has been a high amount of interesting topics within the two days. One of the central issues was about Big Data. The main challenge within Big Data is the data management in life sciences, which requires high attentiveness regarding consumer protection and data security. Bastian Greshake from openSNP informed about a biobank, which allows researchers sharing of data with colleagues to gain benefits for all parties. As an example he spoke about researchers who were only be able to positively test their Bio-IT-programme under real conditions by accessing the shared data from the open biobank. Our affiliate company MEDEORA GmbH is specialised on biobanking software solutions. If you are looking for more information please visit
The thematic block of medical biotechnology held on Tuesday was about Orphan Drugs. Orphan drugs refers to all drugs developed for the treatment of Rare Diseases. Rare Diseases are defined as severe illnesses, which affect minor than 5 persons out of 10.000 residents. The amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) which has received a lot of publicity by the Ice Bucket Challenge shows a prevalence of approximately 4 persons out of 100.000 residents and is therefore a widely known Rare Disease, of which more than 8.000 are described.
Sometimes clinical trials for Orphan Drugs are the only option for patients to receive an appropriate treatment against their Rare Disease. Despite of this it is often very hard to conclude an adequate number of patients within clinical trials for Orphan Drugs. QuoMedic is specialised on patient recruitment explicitely for Rare-Disease-Patients and additionally offers services to enhance patients retention performance. These services include, amongst others, cultural adaptation and translation as well as the RSG® Card Global Patient Reimbursement Program.
The main challenge at the beginning of clinical trials for Orphan Drugs is to find the Rare-Disease-patients and to contact them. With the help of QuoMedic a citizen of Turkey travelled to North America and was concluded within a clinical trial for treatment of his Rare Disease. Furthermore QuoMedic helps ensuring the retention of the patients until the end of the clinical trial.
Authors: Dr. Michaela Stolz and André Bongartz
Cancer immunotherapy - an overview
Each year 14.1 million people get the diagnosis of cancer. During a lifetime nearly every second man and every third women are cancer patients. The classical ways of cancer treatment are the resection of the tumor itself, as well as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Often patients are treated by a combination of this aggressive procedures.
A first step in understanding the development of cancer in patients organs is to unmask the identity of the tumor by deciphering the tumor genome and by examining where the tumor has its origin, e.g. if it is caused by a viral infection like liver cancer fostered by hepatitis B virus.
In healthy people the immune system recognizes the difference between physiological body cells and cells not belonging to the body like pathogens (bacteria, viruses, ...). If the actions of the immune system are too weak, people suffer from permanent infections. If the immune system reacts to excessive, the body begins to fight against its own cells and autoimmune disorders occur. Right in the middle of this balanced reactions of the immune system tumors are able to escape from the immune reaction. Tumor cells show no signs of cells not belonging to the body and will therefore not be recognized by the immune system as cells which has to be eliminated; a tumor begins to grow and in the worst case to metastasise. Scientists think that many cells carrying tumor-triggering-mutations are eliminated by reactions of the immune system.
Visit us at the German Biotech Days in Leipzig/Germany on 26 & 27 April 2016
Since 2010 there is an annual event, the German Biotech Days, where life science companies, german BioRegions and branch-specific service providers meet to exchange experiences. The German Biotech Days in 2016 are located in Leipzig and will take place on 26th and 27th of April.
This event is co-organised by BioDeutschland and the Council of German BioRegions and is thought to provide a networking platform for all stakeholders of Germanys industry of biotechnology including interested companies and persons of the sectors of engineering, material sciences and medical technology. The organizer expect more than 800 representatives who will participate. During the two days there will be talks, panel discussions and breakfast sessions to present the actual conditions for innovation in biotechnology and a wide range of biotech applications. Main topics within this year’s conference are covering the fields of IP, Orphan Drugs, Infectious diseases, Biobased Economy as well as Big Data and Genome editing.
Besides the talks and discussions there is an accompanying exhibition where companies, research institutes as well as organisations and associations are going the present themselves and their work and products.
Together with BioRiver – Life Science im Rheinland e.V. the QuoMedic GmbH is going to represent their offers as agency for services to medical science and technology.
Author: Dr. Michaela Stolz
Myeloma Patients Have New Hope Thanks to New Treatments - Wall Street Journal
Myeloma, also known as multiple myeloma, is a cancer arising from plasma cells, a type of white blood cell which is made in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is the ‘spongy’ material found in the centre of the larger bones in the body. The bone marrow is where all blood cells are made.
Plasma cells form part of your immune system. Normal plasma cells produce antibodies, also called immunoglobulins, to help fight infection.
In myeloma, these plasma cells become abnormal, multiply uncontrollably and release only one type of antibody – known as paraprotein – which has no useful function. It is often through the measurement of this paraprotein that myeloma is diagnosed and monitored.
High sugar levels in the blood increase risk of developing certain types of cancer
Researchers have identified a mechanism that allows cancer cells to respond and grow rapidly when levels of sugar in the blood rise. This may help to explain why people who develop conditions in which they have chronically high sugar levels in their blood, such as obesity, also have an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer.
The findings were published in the journal eLife, by Susumu Hirabayashi who leads the Metabolism and Cell Growth group at the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre based at Imperial College London, and Ross Cagan of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in New York.
It is a serious health concern, which can increase a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. People who develop type 2 diabetes become insensitive to a hormone called insulin. This hormone normally helps the body to process sugar, and so insensitivity to insulin causes excess sugar to build up in the blood. The excess sugar may provide the extra nutrients cancer cells need to grow. -
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Blue Button
Federal incentives such as meaningful use and programs like the Blue Button Initiative are increasing patients’ electronic access to their medical records and encouraging greater engagement in their own care. That’s a good thing since medical records can contain errors External Links Disclaimer. Having a “second pair of eyes” on the medical record can help improve the quality of the information that providers ultimately use to make clinical decisions. Patients, after all, know the most about their health and want to make sure their doctors have the most accurate information about them.
The results demonstrate that patients can be effectively engaged online to improve the quality of the information in their medical record — helping to spot errors such as outdated information and omissions such as medications prescribed by another provider.
Deliver the promise in treating cancer patients.
MaryAnn Anselmo was on the cover of Time in March. She had cancer. Yes she HAD! It was stage 4 glioblastoma, a particularly aggressive brain tumor that often takes a patient’s life in a matter of months. Having just recovered from a devastating car accident, Anselmo thought, “Somebody wants me dead here.”
“The latest scan doesn’t show any tumor any more,” said her physician, Dr. David Hyman, acting director of Developmental Therapeutics ad Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). What did she do?
Anselmo participated in a study and for her this has provided a second chance. "A jazz vocalist, she performed at a friend’s birthday party and attended a song-writing retreat in upstate New York. She makes weekly visits to her doctors — to the dermatologist to monitor any side effects from the drug, to Hyman every two months for a brain scan, and to get lab tests done to check on her immune system." You can find more information about the trial here.
Prepare Kids With Autism for Adult Life
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of developmental disabilities that can cause considerable social, communication, behavioral challenges and it affects 7.6 million people according to the World Health Organization.
People with ASD often have issues with social, emotional, and communication skills. They might repeat certain behaviors and might not be comfortable with change occurring in their daily activities. Many of them also have different ways of learning, paying attention, or reacting to things. There is currently no cure for ASD. However, research shows that early intervention treatment services can improve a child’s development.
Adults with autism have a better chance of finding and keeping a job if they can effectively perform basic daily tasks, such as bathing, brushing their teeth, cleaning and preparing meals, new research reveals.
Investigators found that having strong self-care skills appears to be a more important predictor of employment success than an individual's intellect or symptom severity.
"I want to make clear that our research is not an indictment on parents having done something incorrectly. It's just that the focus is often on teaching social communication skills and speech therapy, rather than on practical, if mundane, skills. Our findings suggest the importance of working with families on just these kinds of home-based skills and maybe that means going outside a normal clinic setting to offer home-based intervention services where we can really help parents help their children." said Laura Klinger, an associate professor in the department of psychiatry and executive director of the TEACCH Autism Program at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.